Monday 13 July 2015

SEARCHING FOR THE ARCHBISHOP (5) - Re: Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (LAREC) "liturgies" 2013, 14 and 15; including "Didgeridoo Mass"; YouTube and photos; limited remarks only; Notes #5

His Grace, the Most Rev. Malcolm McMahon OP, the ninth Archbishop of Liverpool, is a devotee of LAREC having attended its annual event eight times as guest speaker and concelebrant (2004, 05, 06, 07, 11, 13, 14 and 15). We include links (at the foot of this post) to the official YouTube footage of the 2015 (the so-called "Australian Culture Liturgy" - aka the "Didgeridoo Mass" - screen grab above), 2014 and 2013 major "liturgies" – as per the LAREC schedules for those years.

Amongst its "liturgical" offerings, LAREC now boasts "Masses" and other "services" described as: Black, Celtic, “From the Islands”, Spanish, Vietnamese, Jazz, Urban Fusion, Young Adult and Australian.

Remember, that it is the Extraordinary Form of Mass (aka the Usus Antiquior, the Vetus Ordo, the Traditional Latin Mass, the Tridentine Mass, the Mass of Ages, the Old Rite Mass etc.) that is considered to be "divisive".

You are encouraged to watch as much of the following as you can. If you can't quite stomach the contents, then you should ask yourself why – and moreover ask yourself who could possibly endure such an event (footage of which is freely available on the Internet as part of the LAREC evangelisation programme)? We would also draw attention to the comments underneath the YouTube videos (double clicking the YouTube link at the foot of the video takes you directly to the YouTube site - we're not precious about you leaving this site in order to do so).

At the very least, we would ask you to start watching the "Australian Culture Liturgy" (again, that's the "Didgeridoo Mass") from the start and as far into it as you're able to.

Other time points of note on the "Australian Mass":

19:20 (as His Grace is afforded a full verbal welcome to the Mass)

• LAREC: (click the "Year" tab on the left menu). Click the various other links for photos of each "liturgy" and much more besides.

• Backgrounders on LAREC:







If you've read the above links, we'd like to add that the organisation "A Call to Action" received an official welcome into the Archdiocese of Liverpool for its "National Conference" in October 2014.

We'd like to add no more for now.



2015 "Australian Culture Liturgy"

2014 "Closing Liturgy"

2013 "Closing Liturgy"

LAREC - down the years, typically:

LAREC – Rosary Rap, "Traditional Prayer Hip Hop Flavor", Really Getting
Together and Being Allright (philosophy, then!), The Environment (natch),
and a Jim Carrey/Norman Wisdom tribute act